Reasons to Adopt a Black Cat

  • September 02, 2019
  • By Black Cats Lovers

Did you know that black cats are 50% less likely to get adopted than other cats? This is due to old superstitions that black cats bring bad luck and are evil animals, often associated with Halloween and witches. But this couldn't be further from the actual truth. It's time we let these old thoughts go away and give these beautiful kittens the love they deserve! Here are 8 reasons why you should adopt a black cat if you are looking to add a new member to your household.

1. They are actually considered to bring good luck in some countries

That's right! In some countries, black cats are actually considered to bring good luck to their owners! In England for example, it's said that spotting a black cat brings them good luck. They also believe getting a bride to be married a black cat will also give her luck in her marriage. Another country where black cats are believed to bring good fortune is Japan. Also in Scotland, a random black cat appearing in someone's house is a signal of prosperity. 

2. They look like mini-panthers

And who wouldn't want to befriend a mini-panther? You will often see them with the nickname "house panther" on Instagram. How cool is that? Having your own house panther friend!

3. They have a stronger immune system

Because of their black fur, it's proven that black cats have a stronger immune system compared to other cats which makes them more resistant to diseases and other health problems.

4. Their little hairs are less noticeable

Everyone who has or had cats knows one of the biggest issues if all their little hairs that get everywhere. We love to cuddle them but we don't love the after cuddling issue of getting up and realizing our clothes are full of cat hairs. Well, with black cats that problem isn't as big since their little black hairs aren't as noticeable especially if you are wearing dark colors. 

5. Most of them have beautiful golden eyes

While most cats have green or blue eyes, you might have noticed most black cats have bright hazel or golden eyes. This gives them a beautiful contrast between their bright eyes and dark fur. It's a unique look that goes back to my second argument of them looking like mini-panthers! But there are also black cats with green and blue eyes, although it's not as common.

6. They might be more affectionate

Not a confirmed fact, but my black cat was the most affectionate cat I ever had, and I've heard from other people saying the same about their little panthers. So if you get one, there's a big chance you will get a great cuddling buddy!

7. There are no evil black cats

But there are evil humans. Stray black cats suffer a lot from humans that have the superstitions I mentioned above and take this as an excuse to hurt them when these little animals haven't done anything wrong. No cat is evil and if you respect them and show them love, they will respect and love you back. If you ever find a stray black cat and you already want to adopt a new kitty, maybe consider rescuing it and keeping it. It's what I did when I found a little stray black kitty and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

8. They are the least likely to get adopted

For all the reasons of superstitions I mentioned above, this is an unfortunate truth. Sometimes it's not even about superstitions, people just don't like black animals which is so silly. I mean black is such a fashionable color! So please, next time you adopt a new cat, consider getting a house panther. How cool does that sound?

Thinking about a name to give your soon to be adopted or rescued little panther? Check out my suggestions!

Want a cool "Adopt Black Cats" Shirt to show your support? Check it out here!

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